Torchwood: Miracle Day: The New World (2011)
Season 4, Episode 1
Interesting premise but shameful Americanisation
13 June 2020
The premise of the first episode seemed intriguing and had this been any of the other series of Torchwood I would have been excited and looking forward to watching how the story played out. Unfortunately, however, after watching the first episode I no longer have any intention of following through with the rest of the series. The Americanisation of the show means it has lost all of it's original charm, that revolved around British locations and landmarks that we knew and recognised and familiar British faces as cameos. The first episode was jam-filled of clichés, incessant over-acting and the non-stop gun slinging that reminded me more of a cheap Hollywood action movie than the Doctor Who spin-off the British audience has grown to love. Such a shame for it to end on this point, I'm just going to pretend that Torchwood ended after series three. Plus, since I was shown almost the entirety of the season in the 'next time' at the end of episode one series four, there really is no point watching more anyway.
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