Review of Bodies

Bodies (2016)
Somebody call a paramedic, I've got a severe case of terminal boredom!
13 June 2020
Two twisted brothers, who had both had an incesteous relationship with their late sister, pose as paramedics. They listen in on and respond to 911 calls but instead of giving medical assistant they remove victims' organs to sell on the black market. I read no reviews of Paramedics before watching it and it got off to a promising start, with gore, nudity and amusingly bad acting. Then the brothers respond to a second call,a young female hiker (played by Jenice Marshall, who sheds her clothes numerous times throughout) with a twisted ankle. And this is where the film just plummets. They kidnap her and hold her captive in their crude operating theatre, subjecting her to physical and sexual abuse. This had potential but sadly it's her ridiculously unbelievable relationship with her captors and the sheer boredom that kills this movie. Most of the running time is in this one room and the film is mainly about the triangle between the brothers and their victim, just so incredibly boring. I think the makers attempt some black humour but there is too much bad taste here (girl, "Is it rapey time again?). The end thankfully does perk up but it's too little, too late. Just FFWD to the gore and nudity senes!
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