Mad Men: Meditations in an Emergency (2008)
Season 2, Episode 13
9 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Betty eyes the cute picture of two young fawns. Her face looks so small and elegant. The doctor comes in and tells her the spotting she had (blood on her pants) was not because of horseback riding. She is pregnant again. The doctor asks her to undress so he can analyze her. This doctor had helped the Drapers with their first two pregnancies. Betty says she cannot have a baby right now and the topic of abortion comes up.

Betty is horseback riding and thinks she sees Don in the distance. It is him - he came back and was there for 30 minutes waiting for her.

The Cuban Missile Crisis has everyone concerned and scrambling. Don watches Kennedy talk with a concern look.

Don strides into the office and people notice but are distracted because of the Cuban Missile Crisis. He wears a cute grey coat and his voice as he greets Tildy, Joan and Peggy is pretty hot. Joan welcomes him back and Peggy perks up and is happy to see he is safe. Peggy + Don are so cute in this scene. Don notices Peggy's new office that is next door and her haircut.

Don has a ton of paperwork to look through on his desk and compliments Peter on his work. Peter came in with resentment towards Don but leaves with good feelings to Don.

The guys try to fix the television as they are watching the news. I like the vibes in this - a group of guys who are silly.

At the end of the episode they wrap the season up well with the topic of pregnancies amidst a terrifying world event.

Trudy is concerned about Peter's safety being left in Manhattan as she goes to join her parents. She leaves him money.

Betty receives an apology letter from Don and Joan lets Don know at the end of the day that his wife called. The whole office is scrambling to get out and there are only a few people left.

Peggy and Peter linger around the office as Peter offers a drink at the end of the day and the windows show a dark sky. Peter tells Peggy how he knows Peggy truly cares and he would have picked her first to marry. Peggy said she could have shamed him into marrying her and announces she was pregnant and gave up the baby for adoption. Peter cannot believe she is serious.

Don goes home to find Betty and they sit down. Betty tells Don she is pregnant and they hold hands. They gaze into each other's eyes and season 2 is done.
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