Review of Atonement

ER: Atonement (2008)
Season 14, Episode 13
An all time low
3 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Neela and the gang, including the new intern, the geek Romano wannabe, the Pearl Harbor guy, and Josh from the Office, all play hockey...? Funny how it's never been mentioned prior to this episode, except when Malucci and Greene played - back in season 7. I know it was meant to be funny, but it was delivered as bad, really bad, slap stick because nothing about any of these characters and actors is funny. It was far more embarrassment than comedy... and they didn't let it go for the entire episode.

Back in the ER...who cares, it's Pratt and Gates' stories. Really, who cares?

I'm only watching for the endgame and the return guest star appearances by past ER stars. It's gotten so, so bad...and the ratings show. It's been a slow, steady decline over the past 5 seasons. Did the writers and producers really not get it or were they just too proud to admit it?
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