The West Wing: Impact Winter (2004)
Season 6, Episode 9
Everyone Moves On!
23 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
One of the great attractions with this show was the great chemistry between Josh and Donna. In fact I read somewhere that Bradley Whitford (Josh) suggested that the Donna character should have a far greater presence in the show than the writers had originally intended way back for season 1. And its easy to see why!

Throughout the seasons we wondered if they would ever "get it on", but the writers in their infinite wisdom always kept us on the outside looking in.

That said, not only did the personal chemistry develop between them, so did Donna's own independence. Perhaps it was because of her lucky survival from the Gaza assassination that hurried things along, but in this episode we see her pleading with Josh on numerous occasions to have a "conversation" about her career development.

But Josh being Josh, he completely ignored her, which suggests to my cynical mind when he flew out to Germany to be at her hospital bedside recovering from the attack, that he was more concerned in someone answering his phone and sorting his diary than really caring about Donna herself.

So despite her pleas, she decides to leave her job as Josh's assistant. To be replaced by a no-nonsense temp, who won't be rushed into anything by anyone, least of all Josh.

Realising her absence, Josh goes to Leo and tells him she has left. But rather than expecting some sympathy, Leo tells him "People move on. That's what I've been trying to tell you!"

And its at this point Josh considers his own options and decides to fly out to Houston and convince Congressman Santos to run for President, and he has a 9 point plan to help him achieve it.

It was good to see Donna move on at last; as well as pulling the rug from beneath Josh's rather arrogant feet. And not surprisingly her talents are put to very good use when she accepts Will's offer of a prominent position with the Russell campaign.

The other major story arc here is the China trip and Bartlet's ongoing MS issues. But again this was a long and drawn out tale that held little interest for me, probably because despite his partial paralysis he would eventually achieve something noteworthy from the meeting with the Chinese Chairman.

But the episode was still a highlight, thanks largely to some great writing from Deborah Cahn.
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