A Severe Disappointment To Ruin The Series
2 May 2020
Just like the 90's when the Chinese took over inking and writing for Marvel, and they decided to change the back stories for every character, some times even making them male to female, then when Marvel realized everything was FUBAR, they came up with the ONLY POSSIBLE explanation even though it felt like a total cop out to those of us loyal fans who'd been betrayed by this Chinese coup - alternate dimension.... and that's what we have here folks. And boy, does it leave the feeling of sandpaper in my mouth!

All of the sudden, we are in an alternate reality, everything we know, all the people and truths about the Holy Grail War are gone out the window. Even the Heroic Spirits aren't heroic anymore! EVERYTHING has changed, and NOT for the better! Had I stepped in, watching this first, I probably never would have gotten past episode 3, and certainly wouldn't have continued with the rest of the series! My only hope is that from here on out, they continue back to the original reality, the story line that makes commonsense, and is INTERESTING!!!

So I'm this war there's 2 teams, black vs red. Each team has 7 masters and servants (at least that part is kept similar) then there is Joan of Arc, who is another independent Heroic Spirit, she is there to oversee the war, however the red team keeps attacking her. The Red team does something COMPLETELY unheard of, their masters are kept anonymous, and away from the war, with the exception of the Priest who seems to be pulling the strings, and the necromancer. The black team is made up of mostly family of a man who fought and won the grail in the Japan war, with Germany as his backer, bringing it home to Berlin, 50 years earlier, and began experimenting on homunculus to house the next grail. (Notice the time is off too for it to have been our WWII.) These so- called Heroic Spirits are a complete joke. It takes forever to learn most of their names. Quite a few are merely literary works of fiction, NOT true Heroes, like Jack the Ripper, AND like their "Frankenstein" & "Mordred" some have even had a sex change... I guess things like that happen in an alternate reality, but if makes it LESS enjoyable, because it loses it's veracity. ESPECIALLY with works of fiction, because you can undeniably prove what sex the author created the character! You CAN'T go around just changing that without backlash!!!!

There's a LOT more I could say, but I don't want to big this down, an's I don't want to add spoilers. This uy's the stink bomb of the "Fate" series so far!!! I sure hope the next series is better!!!
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