The Singularly Most Terrifying Horror Franchise EVER!
24 April 2020
I'm true horror aficionado. I couldn't possibly ever count the number of horror films I've watched. My parents were horror aficionados so I've been watching since I was a little girl. Nothing has ever gotten to me besides when I was a little girl for some reason the movie The Blob really upset me LOL. Nowadays nothing bothers me and I've seen just about everything out there and I know that because of my injury I'm homebound I seen almost everything that Netflix has now. Unfortunately Netflix only has the number one, five, and six of the series. I just finished watching this one which is the number five, and I'm still trying to process what I just saw.

The thing that makes this series completely different from any other horror franchise, is it it takes not just Gore for the purpose of Gore like the saw franchise, as well as many other single movies, it uses it with a purpose. This franchise has creativity like The Nightmare on Elm Street franchise has however, it uses its creativity in a wholly realistic way that gets inside your mind and makes you think this could actually happen and that's so much more terrifying then any other movie out there that I've ever seen and as that said I've seen thousands horror movies! Also, this franchise is about Jinn, or genies as they are more commonly known, however as many know they don't go around granting wishes, they are more of a other race of beings cast aside by the Creator just like a lot of people don't realize that in some religious texts it is written that the Angels actually or cast aside by God when Man was created because Man was created in God's Own image and the angels weren't happy about that, and the angels aren't some man looking creature with wings that are white with fluffy feathers. They are more like harpies. So this tends to follow the ancient teachings about what these creatures really were.

I recommended the franchise to my husband by telling him that it takes the one thing that you fear the absolute worst, that if it would happen to you, you would beg to die to make it go away. That's the truth. This movie franchise actually digs into our Primal soul and finds what people fear the most, but also what people cherish the most, and attacks that. So it's really sad that this movie franchise hasn't been promoted more largely around the world. I don't mind reading subtitles, but if it were to have an English dub, I think it would have gone a long way towards getting the movie played in a much larger audience. I would really like to see that happen, then have a showing of the movies in theaters around the world, because I think a lot of people missed out on the scariest movie franchise ever! It is very rare that I hand out 10 Stars. This movie deserves more than 10 as does the rest of the movies that I've seen in this franchise! You MUST see the series if you're not afraid! Turn out the lights and watch it alone in the dark! There is a lot that you pick up on when you can hear more in the quiet, in the dark...
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