"I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm just gonna disintegrate your soul"
22 April 2020
The above quote can pretty much serve as a review for this film. I wasn't expecting Boorman's "Excalibur" or anything like it, but even so this was far worse than I thought. Once you have watched it for 10 minutes you know what territory you are in. The guy playing King Arthur is absolutely awful, as are the lines he (barely) delivers. I stuck it through to the end as I don't feel it is right to rate or review a film you haven't actually watched. It gets 2 stars because 1 star (for me) is reserved for absolute rubbish with NO redeeming features. If I could rate those as zero, this and others like it, would get one star. This film has one (relative) positive - Sara Lane (Morgana) appears (to some degree) able to act and delivers her part with commitment and a couple of minor characters were not awful. Other than that it is awful. Script, plot, acting, special effects - all of it. The majority of roles are played by people who would seem bad in a poor school play. Almost every line made me cringe either for the script, delivery or terrible acting. Often all three. It feels like the direction consisted of "OK. Just say these words any way you want to. Let's get it done." There is so much more to say but in short this is just very poor.
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