What Did We Do to Deserve This?
20 April 2020
Oh. My. Gosh. This is the ultimate "because why not" movie. The fact that this was actually made is just so awesome.

Have you ever wanted to see Dolph Lundgren fight zombies? Have you ever wanted to see robots fight zombies? Have you ever wanted to see Dolph Lundgren fight a robot? Well you probably didn't know it, but you did. And you can see it, right here.

Dolph Lundgren plays himself in his usual grizzled, battle-hardened soldier role, and he elevates the movie. He runs, jumps, and fights, and kills many zombies in a variety of ways, including martial arts, head stomping, stabbing, and shooting. David Field is actually pretty good here, I thought. Melanie Zanetti is a little annoying, but I guess she could've been worse. Jen Seung looks like Steve Perry, and that's all there is to stay about him. The other actors are ok, but they're inconsequential.

The protagonists don't meet the robots until about 53 minutes in, but things pick up from there. The robots are pretty cool. They look good sometimes, and unbearably, early-2000s cheap at others.

The action is actually pretty good. The first 20 minutes is non-stop bloody zombie violence, with Dolph and his team killing tons of zombies. There's a lull in the second act, but Dolph does fight zombies while handcuffed to a lamppost, and the robots kill zombies. The third act picks up though, with a cool street battle and a huge climax in the last 18 minutes where everything just ramps up. Dolph does much of his own stunts it looks like, and props to him for still pulling an Arnold and giving his all in his performances. There's a scene where he's standing in a street full of zombies carrying only a knife, and you highly doubt that he's gonna kill them all, yet deep down, you know it's gonna happen. Well it doesn't disappoint.

A glorious B movie fest, with bad CGI and fake blood. And that last explosion though. Lol. It's not for everyone, but come on, it's robots vs. zombies with Dolph Lundgren. I give it a full 5 stars just for the creative vision alone.

Please watch it. It's too weird to be ignored.
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