Not good as what they think
10 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Wrong words, wrong graphics,... -"Baba mehraban" instead of name of a person, people have names and know as their name. -"Trying to advertise about islam" people do not need to tell what to do so just a small sentence is a big mistake and make your story worse than what it is. -"Shape of soldiers" why did not you try to be creative to make strong shapes, is really weak. Make people to stop the movie, or leave theaters. -"it is not comedy" there is nothing inside the movie which makes it comedy. -when this story is a true story, why do you think people laugh to what is a true story ¡ -"Wrong size of shapes" how is it possible for a big ship to pass from a small bridge in the river. When you did not try to show it, but with zooming infront of ship, it is passing. -weak personality for 2nd role whom is a little girl. There is nothing inside the character which attracts people to like the girl, this character should be 20th, as how much it is usual ¡ -When we have one of the strongest dubbing, why there is someone whom is shouting ! -why am i thinking the little girl is "Holy Maryam", what did you show me which i feel like this ¿ You are responsible for what people think about your movie, is not it better to show your animation to different persons and ask about their ideas. What are we trying to show our children? King is bad and prophet is good, in a comedy method! Is it all? It could be much better than this, and you made it wrong. And this animation is far away from what people make in the world, too far. And i am happy i did not see this at cinema or any other theatre. This story has good points too. But as i think it is necessary for film makers to read negative ones here, to feel my feelings when i see this movie. You have a chance but you did not get it, just cause of "racism" .
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