HG Wells Meets Jack The Ripper
18 March 2020
This film is a hybrid, a tie up between the famous HG Wells story, The Time Machine and the famous Murders of the late 19th Century by Jack The Ripper. HG Wells builds his time machine and is about to travel in time when Jack the Ripper, who is HG Wells surgeon friend, escapes in it when he is cornered at Wells house, and flees to 1979, the time machine returns empty and HG Wells follows him to try to stop him.

The storyline is not great, the HG Wells side is interesting, but the Jack The Ripper version is a bit unbelievable. However, Malcolm McDowell is on good form as is David Warner, and Mary Steenburgen is good as the desperate city woman trying to find a good man. Everyone else is fairly redundant. The special effects lighting looks poor, the murders are not well covered, they concentrate on the relationship between McDowell and Steenburgen and his attempts to come to terms with 1979, and catch Warner, obviously it ends well with a couple of haltering steps.

But its the Time Machine storyline and Malcolm McDowell that save it from being a less than average film.
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