Stay away from this clinic!
11 February 2020
A spoof on the TV series dealing with life and times and love in the hospital ,from Dr Kildare to ER , this could have been riotously funny .

Sadly it is not.

Even since the TV series existed -but the character did- ,Billy Wilder did sneer at those Kiladare soap operas ,in a very short sequence of "the seven years itch" .And it did more for me than the whole of "la clinique de l'amour ".

"La clinique De L'amour " ,to be successful , needed strong lines ,but I dare you to find one really witty line in the whole script ; the noble old doctor (but is he so noble?) , the good son ,Abel ,and the bad one,Cain are clichés ;for those who argue that the screenwriters make brilliant use of the sitcom cliché,they clearly don't as the absence of a related context precludes it: the story is a dreadful stodgy brew,the actors overplay , black humor is bad taste (Super! 20 people were injured in a coach crash on the road!); an actress desperately tries to look like Uma Thurman ;but the (female) bear takes the biscuit.

Dr Kildare ,where are you when we ned you?
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