Lavishly produced but slowly made film concerning revolutionary events from 1789 to 1793
8 February 2020
Historical film dealing with notorious events of French Revolution from Bastilla assault 1789 to king death : 1793 King Luis Capeto execution. These happenings full of tumults that shaked France brought the end of the ancient society or Ancien Régime and the birth of democracy and a regime of freedom and human rights . Including creation of the newly established Assemblée National, massacre at the camp of Mars , the National Convention 1792 , detention king in Varennes , his confinement in Palace of Tullerias and his subsequent execution at the Concorde Square , Paris . From now on , 1793 , the Terror begins in France, Georges Danton, a champion-of-the-people and founder of Cordeliers club , returns to clash against Maximilien Robespierre and his extremist party . The Committee for Public Safety, under Robespierre's incitement, has begun a series of massive executions, The Terror.

A historical film reenacting the first and main years of the tumultuous French Revolution that caused thousands of deaths . The picture especially narrates the happenings surrounding the revolutionary people , and about King Louis XIV, as his posterior fall , as his subsequent execution . Interweaving historical facts and appearance of notorious characters with the anonymous people who participated in the revolution such as Gaspard Ulliel as Basile, Adele Haenel as Francoise and Olivier Gourmet as the Uncle. Here shows up various known roles, usually speeching at the National Assembly and Convention such as Saint Just, Desmoulins , Robespierre well played by Louis Garrel, Marat finely performed by Denis Lavant and, of course, Louis XVI magnificently acted by Laurent Lafiitte who gives the best scenes about to be executed at the gallows. And even other French kings as Louis XI, Henry IV, Louis XIV King Sun , all of them appearing while Louis XVI is dreaming and reckoning with him due to his negligency for the violent revolution.

It displays a colorful and evocative cinematography by Julien Hirsch. As well as sensitive and atmopheric musical score by Philippe Schoeller. The motion picture lavishly produced , approx. 17 million Euros, being professionally directed Pierre Scholler. Pierre is a good writer and filmmaker who has written and directed a few but decent films as Versalles, Les anonymes, The Minister and this Un peuple et son roi or world wide title : One nation, one king. Rating 6/10. The picture will appeal to history buffs and French Cinema lovers.
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