Typical Close encounters era knockoff.
1 February 2020
While my title sounds negative and it is I do like this film mainly because I've seen both versions. When I saw the original and was a unaware the other existed I thought it was crap. When I stumbled on the English language version it changed the movie so dramatically it was startling. And while I think this was an accident it changes trash ufo nonsense into something of a conspiracy piece like the US military stepped in and changed the version that was released to vague references to aliens and ufos that go unseen from what was intended as a straight forward alien invasion movie. Again I'm positive this was not a plan just a strange series of events that changed things completely by chance. It's very easy to look at these two versions of the same film and see how this piggyback Close Encournters could be used as a piece of disinformation. The best part is how they use parts of the Roswell story even the actual events and add so much garbage that if you are aware of the of what's real it adds a menacing and completely ridiculous spin that if you are so inclined make this some dramatic recreation of actual events and it surprises me that those people who make money off this stuff haven't tried using it as "conformation" of meddling by US military and a shadow world government agency because this would fit so well mainly for something pointed out as trivia. This movie has a well known and well respected actor clearly hired because of that yet in both versions he's been dubbed this is exactly the kind of thing that's seized upon to use as some proof of malfeasance and shadow government activity. This movie is mainly nonsense but if you add the twist I add to it and watch both versions it's interesting at least to me. Each on its own is hard to follow and make little sense. Watch at your peril and if someone starts using this the way I stated I want my cut.
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