Too bad a sixth one is unlikely to be made.
5 December 2019
"Blood Wars" does not rely on fighting and shooting a lot. Instead, it focuses on the characters and what happens to them. Even though it ignores certains new and impressive ideas from the previous one, the fifth "Underworld" has its own charms.

It is honestly easy to talk about the weak spots of it. Like some visual effects that leave much to be desired here and there. This werewolf looks great, that one does not. To avoid excessive detail, let's just say the action scenes vary in their quality. Also, the movie does not start well and suffers in certain parts of the third act. Mostly, because of technical problems.

But the cinematography and the story do their job well. Not many movies are so beautiful in spite of happening entirely in darkness. Relaxing, mesmerizing and surprisingly emotional. It's like they hired someone to make an action movie but ended up with a director who cared more about art.

That is not to say that you don't get awesome fighting and shooting. You do. The new villain is calm, prepared and strong. Dealing with him is far from easy. I would also like to praise the humor. Where it is, it works. Can't be easy to have funny moments in perilous situations. But that's exactly what we got here.

Even though it is only one and a half hour long, it has powerful substance and feels rich in important events. With however many CGI problems to damage your experience, it still feels real. It feels true. Quite a few characters with understandable motivation, life and death decisions, inevitable threats and impressive discoveries.
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