Review of Joker

Joker (I) (2019)
A work of art and I do not say that lightly
13 October 2019
The acting, the music, the cinematography, the themes - I could gush for hours about the sheer amount of breath taking QUALITY in this film. If you like good cinema you will like this.

"Joker" stands as one of the most left wing films I have ever seen that persuasively validates left wing theory, which is funny because they are the ones attacking it without having seen it! Cancel culture is stupid isn't it?

I felt the crushing weight and pressure of a cold society that did not care about the working class and that favored the elite. I saw a lonely human being kicked until he decided enough was enough and that resistance was not only the best way, but the only way forward.

I never felt more revved up to "fight the power" and give the middle finger to a corrupt system than after seeing the Joker!

The movie doesn't glorify shootings or vigilante justice so much as it makes it clear that if you take away options for people and treat them like they don't matter and don't exist then rebellion and riots WILL HAPPEN. It isn't so much a threat as an inevitability. People need to feel like the game isn't rigged against them to want to play.

The way to fix society is to reach out to others more, to be more kind, and to fix the broken corrupt system that lacks humanity and only cares about money.

The Joker is a hero for those who society deems garbage and worthless. In the movie there is a protester holding a sign that symbolizes modern-day society and it's connection to this movie perfectly: We are all clowns.
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