Clearly a Hitchcockian thriller !!!!
11 October 2019
Indeed has some similarities with Hitchcock's Vertigo, same city, a mystery thriller, about a business man Dr. George Dumurrier (Jean Sorel) who has an asthmatic wife Susan (Marisa Mell) even with appropriate medical care she ends up dying, a huge indemnity of a million dollars was paid, however the police and the insurance company starts to investigate the odd case, suddenly Dr. George has involves with a local stripper who look likes Susan called Monica Weston, instead brown eyes she has green eyes, without going in technical aspects the picture driven forces to incriminate the beneficiary of the money, Dr. George, he goes to a fair trial, found guilty and was sentenced to a dead penalty at San Quentin, valuable movie on the picturesque San Francisco, a slight nude scenes, some really appealing, with an unexpected final twist, wasn't a proper Giallo!!!


First watch: 2019 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 7.25
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