Explained (2018–2021)
Insightful and encourages me to learn more about things I didn't even know I cared about
7 October 2019
I stumbled across this docuseries in Netlifx trying to find something interesting to watch. I didn't really feel like I was in the mood for watching documentaries, I was really hoping to stumble across a new comedy series that was actually funny. But nevertheless I decided that it was worth watching this over something I've already seen a million times. I found myself watching episode after episode. I found myself being interested in topic after topic that I never thought it possible for me to be interested in, such as biology and economics. Each episode contained enough information to inform me of the basics around the topic and the conversations that experts were having in that field, but didn't drone on about the same point or the same piece of information. Many crime documentaries that I've watched often go over one small piece of information over and over again that I just become bored so easily, even though criminology (the study of crime) is a big passion of mine, and one of the university degrees that I'm studying. But this series doesn't drone on about the same piece of information and only elaborates on a point if it's super important to the overall topic.

Many people who have written reviews for this series complain that it forms an agenda, or that it takes on leftist arguments as fact, basically that it's quite subjective and biased. If you are looking through these reviews and deciding whether or not to watch this series, please don't listen to those who say that it is biased. Please watch it yourself an form your own opinion about whether the show is biased, whether you agree with certain subjects raised in the series and whether you think each topic is interesting or important enough to be discussed.
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