Not too realistic. Here's giving some advice to the writers
20 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched this episode and felt obliged to write sth. I must say this episode has a very good premise and good set (though the 2020s tech looked too primitive lol) but what troubled me is the characterization of BC, a scoundrel who does not hesitate in killing in the first part but gives in too easily to Sisko in the second. He seems to have too much "reason" in him. The riots and him all seem a bit too civilized. (budget limitations I presume) Perhaps a more violent riot would not fit in the Star Trek persona of the show. And I think the result that no history except Bell's face was changed is really unconvincing. Won't some minor events be altered and trigger bigger changes? I would like the reset button of history finally be pressed, but the characters uncovered some new truths to history that nobody has known so they deepen their comprehension on history, and the time trip would still be worthwhile without tampering with temporal paradoxes. If you don't understand what I am suggesting, you can refer to how Discovery dealt with the tragic fate of Capt. Pike.
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