Review of Aniara

Aniara (2018)
An Interesting Movie For People Who Like Their Sci-Fi Deep
10 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Overall I enjoyed the movie. However it left many questions unanswered and introduced plot lines that were suddenly dropped and never spoken again in the next epoch. These include the cults and The Spear. I also would have liked to see a resolution to the captain having to atone for his crimes. Finally, we are told that the ship has lost the ability to maneuver, except they later on maneuver the ship in order to dock with The Spear. I'd also say a lot more interesting story happened between year 10 and year 24 but we didn't get to see that.

But after that, there is so many things that the film does right- the space elevator; many of the characters are physically disfigured due to the climate catastrophe on earth; the long, slow drudgery of what it would be like cooped up in a starship, year after year (albeit a massive starship). Even the passengers wish to escape, even if by artificial means (the MIMA) and the eventual self-destruction of same when the AI realises that humans are to blame for everything and no longer wants to have anything to do with them- a great invert to the whole HAL trope.

This is definitely a film with flaws but one I would recommend to anyone who loves their sci-fi deep.
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