4000 reasons not to become a professional screenwriter
31 August 2019
Tales from the Script is a long series of short clips from interviews with successful screenwriters who reveal what most every artist already knew: if you want to be true to your vision, you must stick to noncollaborative art, and if you are looking to be paid for your art, you had better be ready to compromise.

Screenwriters are writers, but they can earn potentially much more money than solo writers. So the price they pay is having to deal with all of the people in the industry whose only reason for being there is to earn money. They also have to deal with the big egos of directors, producers, and actors. Judging by the anecdotes described in this film, screenwriters are a rather masochistic lot, who despite being psychologically abused by people who have no idea how to write, continue on because, on balance, they have decided that the alternative would be worse.

In addition to all of the interview excerpts with a wide range of screenwriters, short scenes from a variety of films which self-referentially treat the topic are also included. I had no idea that there were so many Hollywood movies with screenwriting as a theme!
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