"Gargoyles Shmargoyles!"...
13 August 2019
THE TERROR WITHIN is another in the seemingly endless series of ALIEN knock offs. This time, instead of outer space, the action takes place in an underground facility. It seems that a cataclysmic plague has wiped out 90% of the Earth's population, leaving a small team of survivors to figure things out. Creatures known only as "gargoyles" now roam the wasteland, seeking out warm-blooded prey.

Not surprisingly, one of these monsters gains access to the facility in an unusual, yet familiar way. Sort of "Trojan horse" style. Needless to say, bloody mayhem commences.

In typical "not-quite-ALIEN-but-kind-of" fashion, this movie features a similar hunt through the facility, while the mutant moves through the air shafts. Unlike other such movies, the rubber monster is shown quite a bit, and while not a total embarrassment, close examination reveals its absurdity. The cast die off in predictable order, leaving the most heroic for the final conflict.

The takeaway? This is by no means a masterpiece, but could fill an otherwise dull evening...
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