The 3rd Eye 2 (2019)
It started out so great, then it all came crashing down hard...
12 August 2019
I stumbled upon the 2019 Indonesian horror movie by sheer luck. Seeing that it was an Asian horror movie, I was sold immediately and had to sit down and watch it.

I will say that the first half of the movie was phenomenal, and it was very much reminiscent of the 1982 "Poltergeist" classic, except set in an Indonesian setting, but having all the intensity and creepy atmosphere to it as seen in "Poltergeist". Yeah, the movie was on a very good track here, and director Rocky Soraya was definitely making things right.

But then the movie introduced possession, and it all went south. Fast. It was abysmal. The movie took a turn from where it would have otherwise received a 7 out of 10 star rating from me, and it spiraled into a laughable storyline where everything previously established just came apart.

So the first half of the movie was great, the last half was abysmal. Yup, there you have it, ladies and gentlemen.

The acting in the movie was good. And as always, I thoroughly enjoy watching the faces and talents of unfamiliar actors and actresses on the screen. And I wasn't familiar with a single face in this movie. So that was bliss. And I will say that they had some nice actresses and actors on the cast list to perform the various roles and characters. Just a shame that the last half of the movie totally derailed and offered the actors and actresses nothing to work with.

As for the special effects. Well, they were there and they worked well enough in favor for the movie and definitely added to the atmosphere. Just keep in mind that you will not be blown away or bedazzled in any manner.

"Mata Batin 2" (aka "The Third Eye 2") had such great potential to be a really genuinely creepy and disturbing horror movie, but it all went down the drain and the movie became less than mediocre, given the horrible last half of the movie.
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