Space: Above and Beyond (1995–1996)
One of the best shows that was on TV.
29 July 2019
I watched when this show originally aired on Fox in 1995/1996. I just got done watching the series on DVD again. Glen Morgan and James Wong put together a perfect cast. The actors/actresses were perfect for the roles that they portrayed. Also the writing was crisp and deep. The show wasn't afraid to go dark in the story lines. It was the first television show where there wasn't always a happy ending. There was always the threat of extinction, whether it be for the 58th, of all of mankind. This show did it first, long before Ron Moore went there with 2004's Battlestar Galactica. I really feel bad for Morgan and Wong and all of the cast. The story of the show's cancellation (according to the trade's back then) was this. Morgan and Wong were the head writers of Fox's megahit the X-Files. They wanted to do Space, so Fox gave them a shot. The Neilson's were pretty good. Not a home run, but not bad either. But Chris Carter pitched a fit to Fox execs saying that X-Files was suffering because his head writers were distracted with Space, so they cancelled the show. The ratings were good enough to renew. By today's standards, the show would have been a hit. Even though the show only lasted one season, I am glad it was made. It is the kind of quality that you just don't see that much of anymore. I wish that the differences could be put aside so that way we could find out more stories from the set and how the show was made. Anyway, if you get an opportunity to watch this series, please do. I don't think you will be disappointed.
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