I Hate Everything (2013– )
I Hate IHE
29 June 2019

I Hat Everything is one massive hypocrite. Think I'm lying? Think this is some kind of blasphemy? Well, let me change your perspective.

Why I Hate It:

I Hate Everything is an unfunny, whinny, and as I mentioned before very hypocritical guy on the Internet. He's no different from other people like him, so why he's so famous on YouTube, I don't know. He just whines and complains about movies, Internet culture and other topics. Never providing solid arguments, and just making claims with no evidence to back it up. So, let me show you an example if how hypocritical IHE is.

In what I think is the worst episode of his show, where he defends the Last Jedi. Now, I have no problem with him liking that film. I personally gate the film, but if he likes it, he can like it. It's just his arguments don't work. He opens the video claiming that fans shouldn't be sending Ryan Johnson hate messages, for taking Star Wars in a "bold new direction". Accept when George Lucas made the prequels, movies that I think are unnesarily hated. He made a video called "I Hate George Lucas", it's okay. And you can't deny it isn't a hate message. Just read the title.

So, it's okay to hate on George Lucas, but not the treasured Ryan Johnson? Wow.

And don't claim that I'm what he's doing. I'm just critiquing his work. I'm not calling him an idiot, look at any of my other reviews on the site. They don't call out the creators and make of them. But IHE's reviews do.

Here's another video, "I Hate Creepypastas", another terrible video from him. And I don't claim to be a fan of these. I've read quite a few, and some are quite good, and legitemately scary. But he just judges an entire genre, and pass all of them off as not scary. Not providing any evidence for the claims.

And that's his formula. He just claims he hated something, without providing a good argument, and often contradicting himself. And to save himself from he says it's his opinion, or it's just satire. Which aren't good defenses.

You need to properly express your opinion, by arguing for it, and providing evidence. I mean, I was fought that in fifth grade. How old is Alex? Also, it's satire, doesn't work either. It's clearly not a joke doesn't mean you don't contradict yourself. And Alex clearly talks about his opinion, so he can't pass it off as a joke.


That was only one example of his hypocracy. He just agrees with what the sheep usually tell him. And they can often be very hypocritical in the way they evaluate things, which is why I don't care about Rotten Tomatoes scores or IMDb ratings that much. But I see many people like him, for some reason, and many will hate this review. But frankly, that's not gonna stop me from expressing my opinion.
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