Star Trek: Enterprise: Strange New World (2001)
Season 1, Episode 4
really enjoyed this episode
7 June 2019
This ep, along with a variety of others in Enterprise, show the human learning curve for exploring our galaxy. The audience has come to this series with the knowledge of the "Prime Directive" but ENT shows human infantcy into space exploration. While I agree that Archer and his human crew show their ignorance more times than not, this is how humans learn. We are naturally curious and exert our beliefs and ideals (albiet with no intention of harm) on other cultures because thats all we know. its like letting a child make mistakes to learn from them. when that happens as adults, sometimes ppl get hurt. T'pal does a good job at trying to direct the crew in the Volcan direction and to learm from their techniques but ultimately, she comes to realize humans dont learn well that way.

The beauty of the planet is enticing. For hours, theres nothing about their exploration that leads them to believe something could go wrong. The sensors on the enterprise are advanced for that time but not enough for every unknown particle that could be encountered. Some species may never have a problem on the planet, some (like humans) can have extreme reations. luckily, no one dies.

after the experience, the enterprise logs can warn any other humans that may encounter the planet. the crew has to form their own path through the galaxy. that knowledge is what leads them to the prime directive. they learn that even the Volcans arent perfect and their "logic" isnt always the best idea for every species and culture.
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