Sinister (I) (2012)
A very well made horror film
12 May 2019
Scott Derrickson's "Sinister" is one of the best horror films I've seen in recent years and like "The Conjuring" that came out not long after this movie did it never let up for one second of its runtime, and is really worth your time if you're a fan of horror movies or not. The movie stars Ethan Hawke as Ellison Oswalt a crime novelist who moves with his wife (Juliet Rylance) and children to a new home only to find out that something isn't right after a bunch of old film reels are found in the attic, and a bunch of paranormal things happen with their children (Michael Hall D'Addario and Claire Foley) which leads to a series of events that make the movie even creepier and scarier as the film progresses. In the beginning of the movie when Ellison decides to movie into the house even the local sherriff (Fred Thompson) warns him not to move in and he doesn't listen which makes you ask questions as to what his motives were. Scott Derrickson does a very good directing job and did a very good job with co-writing the screenplay inot not making this movie rely on jump scares all the time like "It" (2017) did. Derrickson's other credits include "The Exorcism of Emily Rose" (2005) and "Doctor Strange" (2016) which is one of the best Marvel movies that I've ever seen. The performances are also very strong in the movie with Hawke's performance being the one that stood out to me the most while watching this movie. The movie is one of the best horror flicks I've seen that this century has to offer along with "The Conjuring" (2013) which I consider to be one of the finest horror films ever made. The supporting performances are very good, and the suspense that this movie builds makes you feel like you are watching evil unfold right in front of your very eyes, and is right up there with "The Conjuring" and "The Silence of the Lambs" as one of the creepiest horror films that I've ever seen.
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