Angel: Lineage (2003)
Season 5, Episode 7
Wesley's Daddy Issues
3 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
In "Lineage", in the middle of an investigation into a group of ninja robot fighters that disrupted a Wolfram & Hart sting operation, Wesley's old man shows up to pay him and visit and discuss the revival of the Watcher's Council. While Wes gives him a tour of the facility, WR&H is attacked by more cybertronic robots. The elder Wyndam-Pryce turns on his son and attacks him, stealing a precious artifact from the vault that has the capability of taking Angel's free will. Wes confronts his father as he escapes. Whilst trying to take Fred as a hostage, Wes's father is shot and killed by his son. That's when everyone learns the big twist: it wasn't Wes's dad. It was another robot the whole time.

It's interesting that we're getting a handful of episodes where the supporting cast get their own time in the sun. Last episode it was Lorne; this time it's Wes. Early on, Wes always had a bit of a inferiority complex when he was a watched on BtVS. He's definitely matured since then and is almost unrecognizable as a character. He might have the most significant character arc of anyone on the show.

Anyways, this episode isn't groundbreaking but it is interesting. After losing out to Gunn the first time around, Wes seems to be in romantic contention with Knox this time. The writers act like Wes has never professed his feelings for Fred at any point... despite the fact that he made a move and kissed her when she was with Gunn. Maybe we're supposed to believe that all memory of that was erased when Connor was removed from the equation at the end of last season. But I always assumed only memories of Connor specifically were forgotten? Regardless, I think another love triangle involving Fred and Wes isn't all that necessary and I hope it's not too major of a plot point moving forward.

These robotic minions are sort of interesting though. They remind me a bit of the henchmen in the last season of BtVS in the sense that they are faceless and seemingly endless in number. I doubt this is the last we'll see of them and they might lead us to the final season's Big Bad.
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