Angel Baby (1961)
Evangelical sharks
5 April 2019
In the wake of the success of Elmer Gantry in the previous year, Angel Baby with a considerably smaller budget came out in 1961. This story is a good deal trashier and it introduces Salome Jens in the title role of a faith healing evangelist who is sincere, but surrounded by sharks.

Young evangelist George Hamilton after healing her dumbness at a meeting falls big time for her. It was a hysterical dumbness after a traumatic experience. Jens decides that evangelism is for her.

Hamilton falls for her, but he's already married to much older woman Mercedes McCambridge. Jens has this good ole boy young Burt Reynolds panting after her. When she strikes out on her own in the evangelical profession Jens has her two leeching parents, Henry Jones and Joan Blondell. She also has a real snake for a manager in Roger Clark.

Angel Baby is pretty trashy stuff. But a good cast makes it interesting.
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