Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Empty Places (2003)
Season 7, Episode 19
What Are We Doing Here?
20 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
In "Empty Places", after the disaster at the vineyard, the gang tries to regroup and come up with an attack plan. Everyone's pretty on edge. Giles sends Spike and Andrew out of town on a lead they find regarding Caleb. Faith takes the Potentials to the Bronze to unwind. Buffy encounters Caleb again and is tossed around. She decides they need to attack the vineyard again. Everyone else is reticent to do so and turns on her, naming Faith the group's new leader and ousting Buffy. Even her sister turns against her. Buffy leaves the house as the episode ends.

Guys... what is going on? You expect me to believe that Willow, Giles, Xander, and even Dawn turn on Buffy that easily just because she has one bad strategic idea? We've seen them follow her for 6 seasons through thick and thin... And the thing that causes the right is this? I refuse to believe that. The writers are really grasping at straws here in this last season.

The entire gang acts like they're on weird drugs. Maybe it's the Hellmouth making everyone go loco but it all seems a bit much and it's not very fun to watch.
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