INCREDIBLY Funny, But Too Many What?! Moments!
15 March 2019
I saw the original movie back when it first came out, and I re-watched it recently on Netflix and it was just as funny as I remembered! Granted it's not as funny as Meatballs who they're obviously copying, but the all-star cast really brings it together and other than Amy Poehler who just seems to make things strenuous, everybody just seems to get along and have a great time and that shows through! So when I saw that there were not one but two series made which would be the first day of camp, and 10 years later, I was super excited! This one which is: The First Day Of Camp, was done in 2015 which was practically 10 years later LOL! So all of the actors are much older and much different looking already and that makes things very awkward when you're trying to backtrack in the story line and make this be the first day of camp! This explains the story about how the can of beans appears to be talking to the chef, and how Janeane Garofalo's character is in charge of the camp. But there are so many situations like that that are supposed to have happened way back and I believe it's 1981 that are just so unbelievable because of the fact that these people are so much older now than they were in the first movie it lends some serious doubt and confusion and just odd feeling to the movie! Also, there's a lot of things in the storyline that are just kind of what are they talking about? Moments that that in and of itself makes it hard and uncomfortable to watch as well, it kind of feels like the writers got so far and then just gave up! It was really good riding through probably the first half of the episodes and then it just took a nosedive. And I don't know about you but I also read a lot of books and I'm a journalist so when people don't tie up loose ends and things it in my craw. And there was so much of that going on that by the last episode, pretty much all the funny was beaten out of the movie. This series is still worthwhile seeing but just go into it knowing that it's not like the movie, and things may be tied up in the series 10 years later that weren't tied up here, because there were things in the original movie that weren't tied up but they were in this series so maybe things will be good by the end of Ten Years Later? Fingers crossed!
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