17 February 2019
Viewers are so predictable, somehow I knew this would be one of the top rated episodes. You see, when it comes to television if you want to boost the ratings add a baby to the show...people eat it up. In a sense Tribbles are like babies - they do nothing, they make sounds, and pretty much... they do nothing. Oh, they're cute - if others say so. Myself, I find them boring, silly, stupid. They make Jake Sisko look like Hans Solo. That's a lot for fur balls that don't do anything except multiply. I don't get their purpose in this episode but obviously someone did because as I said it's a hit. Anyway, remove them from the story line and you'll still have the story with about as much impact as, say, removing a couple chairs. Through the magic of SciFi the team ends up back in time on the old Enterprise. They get to meet Captain Kirk and walk through the old sets thanks to some very talented film magic. They search for a bomb meant for Kirk and I don't have to tell you how things go. History records he died somewhere else. I have to say I liked what they did and could have done it all minus Tribbles - they're like babies, they bring nothing to a show but the Philistine public loves'em.
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