Good Comedi / Social critique
10 February 2019
Women also have rights maybe not as much as men but so close... Good Moment Comedy. All the laughs that makes on your lips are all about moments that created with amazing dialoge fits to the actors. Reza Attaran Amazing re-actions are really understandable and so different at the sametime... differences are all about that how much can happened in the real life and how much(percent) is possible you behave like him. But Vishka Asayesh wasn't as normal as Attaran's character. A female feminist that always Considers women to be superior to men. Ms. Darabi is An example for who see the female as patriarchal society victims . That is true in R.I.Iran Men have been always the leaders of the country. This is amazing Movie but if you have some Political tendency makes you a bit angry but not much... I recommend you to see this movie. I dont know if it is good in English Version or not but I know I like it as a Iranian Movie watcher... good at any movie factors...
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