Putting basketball on the map in Canada
20 January 2019
On a snowy Toronto day in 2014, this Australian sat watching a Raptors game on TV. An opposition player was crying because he was receiving a standing ovation. He was Vince Carter. But who was this guy?

I'd only jumped on the Raptors bandwagon in 2013, instantly falling in love with them after my move from Australia to Toronto. I loved the atmosphere of the games, yet knew virtually nothing of their history.

My then Canadian girlfriend explained that Vince Carter basically put the Raptors (and Toronto) on the map way back when he played for them during 1998-2004. This little documentary explains just how monumental "The Carter Effect" was during this time, and how it still lingers on today, in 2018.

Hell, just watching this also explained the mystery of why said Canadian ex-girlfriend insisted on only wearing Nike shoes with shocks! Amazing how one man can change the culture and atmosphere of an entire city with just a few slam-dunks.

Highly recommend if you love basketball, you're Canadian or a Raptors fan depressed at the recent play-offs performance. Enjoyable little doco
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