Surviving R. Kelly (2019–2023)
13 January 2019
A few months back, I recall seeing an "R Kelly Cult" sticker stuck to a light post in the city where I grew up. I thought it was a bit hilarious as it seemed to be used to mock the whole R Kelly Cult rumors circulating at the time, which I knew very little about (which is why I thought it was a bit silly to see that sticker). After watching Surviving R Kelly, I'm no longer laughing. While I did not love the series, I'm now much more informed on what has taken place and what continues involving R Kelly. I have mixed feelings about the series, the "survivors", and all those involved. More than R Kelly needs to be held responsible and take accountability for their involvement in all that has transpired. This is also not just a black girl matter as there was also at least one Latina involved with R Kelly as well, and who really knows who else and how many other girls/woman. Hopefully everyone learns for what has happened and what has come to light. R Kelly surely isn't the first and or only celebrity to participate in these types of activities. It is all pretty sad and sickening. Ladies and gentlemen raise your standards, there is only one God to follow and worship (celebrities aren't gods or God), remember your morals, and listen to your instincts. Following fame and furtune rarely leads to anything good.
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