It Took Every Poor Decision Possible To Even Attempt To Make This Movie Work
13 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
So, I genuinely cannot stand how hard it is to get a proper review of a horror movie. Most the time, people rate horror movies bad because it was psychological when they wanted gore, or something simple like that.

However, this movie is horrible. I almost never write reviews, and try to give as much credit as possible to everyone involved...but I have to break down this movie with how many completely insane and unbelievable decisions are made...

First, you have some random girl literally knocking on your door twice, acting weird, clearly lost...confused...crazy...something... and you don't call the police or anything about it...

Then...the response to that is that your children go out for a walk alone at night - Also...what teenagers go out for a walk, in the middle of nowhere, alone at night, without their cell phones? What teenager goes *anywhere* without their cellphone? Much less both of them.

Then, your children come home and tell you they just saw their aunt and uncle murdered and cut up in their trailer...do you get your family in your van and immediately leave town, while calling 911? No...you tell your wife and daughter to go back to the house alone, where a creepy girl has already started to harass y'all...while you go investigate the seen of a homicide, without any weapon or anything at all... (not to mention they seemed to have no idea that it was even their families' trailer)

Next, you're alone in the trailer with your daughter, and this girl is coming at y'all with a knife...so after getting yourselves closed into the bathroom...you don't look for any kind of weapon, and once your daughter gets out...you just stand there telling her to run, not reacting at all to the girl coming up behind you, wrapping her arm around you and stabbing you? - No, you have adrenaline surging through you to protect your daughter. You fight back...you try to kill her or at least harm her in hopes she can't kill your family next. At this point...you only know about one attacker. Kill. Her.

Now the daughter. You just watched your mom get killed...you didn't help her ina my way...okay sure...you're scared and not tough...you leave the house and then go immediately to where you know your father and brother are at, right? Noooo you go running somewhere else alone entirely ... genius

Back to the brother and father...you *know* there is or was a murderer...and you try to convince your son to stay outside while you go investigate? No way.

Next...someone is wearing some crazy mask, outside this house...and you give him the option to walk away while counting? You don't even look to watch him go away? You could have walked out and he's at the side of the house stabbing you.

*** Note...here is the first scene I am actually proud of the acting - Father and son find the mother...the father breaks into tears and then realizing his son is coming to see what happened, he rushes him, and pulls him out of the room, trying to prevent him from being traumatized. The scene is emotional and completely believable... ***

Now...back to bad decisions!!!

The dad - You and your son (finally) get into the van, and go driving off to look for your daughter, then someone shatters the window to the point you can't see, but you just keep accelerating until you slam into a trailer, so badly, it breaks and wood slams into you...so you send your son to go look for your daughter...the killer sits next to you, and just like your wife you just sit there falling apart, begging for the life of your family...but never once try to fight back in any way...knowing your kids are next...

The boy - you know this girl either killed your mum, or is part of the people who killed her...but you're too afraid to shoot her, even knowing she's going after you and your sister. (The girl is the only one smart enough to be ready to fight back and kill someone at this point...but he won't give her the gun, and instead just wants to run away from the psychotic killers, and give them back the advantage)

Next... you knock the other girl out...and you 'slowly' go to take off the mask, as if you think she might still be alive. Either you assure she's dead...or you already believe she's dead, and you just yank the mask off. I still vote for number one first, and then you can do the second one.

Then...a man comes at you with an ax...something that clearly requires at least a little bit of momentom and such...he's swinging it at you in a way that gives you multiple opportunities in between to rush him and stab him...this continues all the way through the fight. In close close combat, the knife is going to be much more effective...if you weren't too scared to use it.

Skip ahead (I'm probably missing some to be honest...it's been a bit since I watched it now) ... but a cop shows up (in what must be the most deserted trailer park of all time), and seeing a girl covered in blood, doesn't utilize any of his training, to pull out his gun, look around or be proactive in any way about protection...and literally ends up turning his back to the killer, allowing him to be killed, close range, from behind with a knife *eye roll*

I assume it must be a horror movie rule to strangely assume that everyone hops out of their car and just leaves their keys in the ignition...only to find out, like every normal person in the world...the person who was driving took them out and put them in his pocket when he got out...so, the key is now in the killers hand (never saw that coming...)

This one is not a bad decision, just extremely unbelievable...this tiny girl take a shotgun blast to the chest...inches away...but is still alive and needs to be shot again? Yeah. Okay.

Finally...the last killer is in his truck, submerged in fire (which you see later literally burned off his skin), yet he is still just calmly sitting in his truck, slowly toying with her? He's not in unbelievable pain? He's not trying in any way to help himself...he's still just completely consumed with the idea of killing her before he dies...

Finally...the girl runs off straight down the road, instead of out of the road behind anything...and then when she looks around to run somewhere else, she chooses to run across the bridge, where she'd have no way of running side to side to escape the killer...

So many issues. There are a few good things near the end...and I'm proud of the girl for being willing to fight back when no one else seemed to care about it.

I just don't recommend it...obviously...unless you feel like ranting about the idiocy the entire time. Lol
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