The Twilight Zone: The Passersby (1961)
Season 3, Episode 4
It's well acted
2 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This episode tells the story of a soldier just coming back from the Civil War meeting up with a woman in her house. She still holds resentment for the South losing. We see her husband appear later. This is actually a really nice and spooky reveal. It looks like she shot him, but nothing happened. I can't tell if his wound was from the shot he was supposed to have or something he got from the war.

Either way, it's a well told episode. The best part is probably at the end when none other than Abraham Lincoln appears! He mentions how he was the last casualty of the war. It really does put his administration into perspective. I think this is the first episode they did about the Civil War. It's paced wonderfully, too. ***1/2
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