R.I.P.D. (2013)
Goofy, but fun!
10 July 2018
Listen, I'm a sucker for films like this even if they are a bit Corny. I can often forgive a lot if they're at least entertaining. So often, I want nothing more than to just shut my brain off and watch something simple and goofy.

RIPD falls into that exact category. The plot, premise and so much of the story in this is goofy but fun. The acting is a bit over-the-top but enjoyable. The score fits and it's shot well. The FXs are super cartoon and CGI, but work (think Men In Black) Jeff Bridges and Ryan Reynolds have a good chemistry and Kevin Bacon works as the asshole

I'm not saying this is a good film by any means. I also 100% understand why people don't or won't like it, but I find it enjoyable for what it is. For me, it harkens back to the Sword & Sorcery films of the 80's, same idea in on the enjoyability level. If you like these types of films, you'll probably enjoy this one and can take it for what it is. If that's not your cup of tea, then it's a good idea to skip this one.

My Rating: 5/10
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