Review of The Coon

South Park: The Coon (2009)
Season 13, Episode 2
If your going to use a slur, at least be clear about why your doing it.
3 July 2018
I'm surprised at the lack of negative reviews for this episode. Not only was it boring, it was confusing. The joke seems to weigh heavily on the use of the racial slur. This is when I stopped watching South Park. It was a very heated time, racially, in America when this came out, and still is, but nobody calls the writers of South Park "race-baiters" for stoking the flames of division, or pandering to their white supremacist crowd. I grew up with South Park, and have put up with plenty of black jokes, but at least they seemed to have a heart, and tried to always show the other side of the coin. Now I'm not sure who or what South Park is. This is when South Park went downhill for me.
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