The Staircase (2004–2018)
The reviews were almost as interesting as the documentary!
13 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
First, the criticism that there wasn't enough coverage of the prosecution teams was ridiculous. The Staircase was about Peterson's ordeal and his interaction with the justice system, not a omniscient look at the case from all possible angles.

Second, to dismiss Peterson as a narcissist who got what was coming to him for killing his wife and using his narcissistic personality to brainwash his children (the Stockholm Syndrome was even brought up at one point) is also ridiculous.

Yes, Peterson does come off as full of himself and eager to talk about himself but does that make him a narcissist or human? Narcissist do not typically enjoy the wide-ranging support Peterson received. Rather narcissist often end up alone, having alienated everyone around them.

The unwavering support of Margeret and Martha Ratliff is testament to Peterson's success as a parent, not a sign of the Stockholm Syndrome!

The indictment of the justice system is real, but it is not a indictment against the jury that convicted Peterson, not a case of a disproportionally black jury convicting a white man because he was rich.

The Peterson jury was spoon fed lies by corrupt or over eager investigators who formed a theory and twisted or omitted facts to fit that theory. By eliminating exculpatory evidence, fabricating incriminating evidence, twisting findings to fit a particular theory, members of the North Carolina SBI through egregious misconduct painted the picture of a very guilty man for those jurors selected to judge him.

I can't say I enjoyed Lestrade's documentary. Enjoy is far from the correct word but I did find it fascinating. It was also a cautionary tale. Although we have come to believe that the rich (like OJ) can get away with murder, apparently that's not always the case, especially if unscrupulous B.B. investigators are lined up against you. Then they are capable of using their powers to mold the elements of the case to create the outcome they want. Mr. Deaver taught us that.

The documentary isn't perfect and there might have been more sympathetic defendants to follow than Peterson, but I don't regret watching it for it's human interest and it's exposure of the ugly underbelly of our justice system. Forewarned is farearmed.
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