Star Trek: The Gamesters of Triskelion (1968)
Season 2, Episode 16
Kirk Makes a Big Bet
13 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
In "The Gamesters of Triskelion", whilst beaming down to an unmanned base for a routine inspection, Kirk, Chekov, and Uhura are intercepted by an unknown source, bringing them to a new planet where they are forced into slavery and gladiator games for the amusement of "the providers". The planet is full of captive races from across the galaxy broken down into 3 groups of thralls for the 3 providers. Obedience is forced by shock collars attached to each thrall. The three crew members must think up some way to escape. Meanwhile back on the Enterprise, Spock has taken over command and must locate the trio. Despite the wishes of Bones and Scott, Spock takes the Enterprise on a course following a strange beam of light from many light-years away.

Eventually, the providers reveal themselves as three autonomous brains sitting in a glass case making bets on the gladiator games of their whimsy. Kirk uses their gambling addiction against them, betting on everyone's freedom against the captivity of the entire Enterprise crew. He takes on 3 thralls at once, beating them soundly and freeing all the slaves. The Enterprise heads off into space as the thralls contemplate their newfound freedom.

It doesn't matter how many times Spock is right in a situation. McCoy's always going to be a jerk about it and denounce logic and so on and so forth. If Kirk and the gang didn't make it to the planet then obviously they're somewhere else. Bones doesn't seem to get this. He's a doctor, what does he know about commanding the Enterprise? (Can you tell he gets on my nerves sometimes?)

Anyways, this episode fairly average by Star Trek standards. The fact that these "providers" are so evolved that they've shed their bodies is cool. You'd think that these ultra-intelligent beings would be full of compassion and wisdom instead of wasting their days making sports bets and killing other beings. How unfortunate.

I wonder how long the thralls have been there? Shahna was born there so at least 30 years, but it could be centuries; a scary thought! Half of me wonders if the brains re-enslaved the thralls as soon as the Enterprise left. Hopefully Star Fleet cruises by from time to time to check out the planet's progress.

A forgettable episode. But we got to see a cameo from my favorite alien species the Andorians so there's something!
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