The Twilight Zone: To Serve Man (1962)
Season 3, Episode 24
The aliens aren't here only to help us
25 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
A seemingly benign giant alien (the towering Richard Kiel) arrives on Earth promising peace and offering to share his race's advanced technology as a means of ending such things as famine. However, are the alien's motives for helping mankind really as peaceful as the appear to be.

Director Richard L. Bare relates the ingenious and engrossing story at a brisk pace, brings an impressive sense of expansive scope to the proceedings, and adroitly crafts an intriguing enigmatic atmosphere. The excellent acting by Lloyd Bochner as dashing decoding specialist Michael Chambers and Susan Cummings as his sweet assistant Patty keep things humming. Rod Serling's crafty script shrewdly sets up a pleasant feeling of optimism before pulling the rug out from under your feet with one of the show's all-time classic grim surprise punchlines. A terrific episode.
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