Review of Caught

Caught (I) (2017)
14 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Let's get right to it. The story is very simple - photojournalist couple receives visit from oddly-behaving man and woman, who turn out to be creatures the photojournalists have accidentally "caught" on film. The photojournalists are "caught" at home, "caught" unawares because they have no clue what's on the film until they take a closer look. It's all very claustrophobic, helped immensely by the acting skills of the four main characters, and the suspenseful score. Unfortuately, it's very slow, and seems repetitive, trying to pad what is essentially a short. The audience is therefore also "caught" in this ponderous web.

I say web because I believe the creatures are spiders. It's never revealed outright but there ARE clues. (1) A brief scene where a spider (brown recluse?) crawls up an arm. Why is that in the film? Yes, it's creepy but the film doesn't otherwise use symbolism to create atmosphere. (2) Though the audience never sees the photo in Andrew's hand, there IS a photo hanging in the darkroom which looks to me like a giant spider creature. (3) While some may think it's a cat-and-mouse game the creatures are playing, I see it as spider-and-fly. (4) Once their human features are punctured, the creatures revealed seem more invertebrate than vertebrate. (5) The creatures ooze saliva on these human victims quite often, as if trying to paralyze them rather than merely menace them.

It's not a bad film by any means but it DOES seem as if writer and producer Alex Francise intentionally wanted viewer frustration, as if they too should be "caught" in a trap from which there is no resolution. True to form, the film ends on a dim note, neither apocalyptic nor hopeful.

One last note: Baby Emily might be part creature offspring. The creatures' interest in whether Andrew and Julie were "copulating" at the moors indicates they have not only come for the photos but also for the infant. Interesting anyway.
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