The Twilight Zone: The Passersby (1961)
Season 3, Episode 4
Going down that long winding dusty road
12 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
April, 1865. A wounded Confederate sergeant (superbly played by James Gregory) who's walking down a desolate dirt road along with a bunch of other maimed soldiers from both sides stops for some water at a crumbling mansion owned by the lonely and anguished Lavinia Godwin (a sound and touching performance by Joanne Linville).

Director Elliot Silverstein offers a flavorsome evocation of the 19th century period setting along with a strong brooding gloomy and melancholy mood. Rod Serling's thoughtful script makes a potent statement about the futility and wastefulness of war. Gregory and Linville do excellent work in the lead roles, Rex Holman has a memorable bit as a shell-shocked soldier, and Austin Green contributes a stand-out turn at the very end as Abraham Lincoln. Kudos are also in order for Fred Steiner's forlorn score and the typically sharp cinematography by George T. Clemens. A powerful show.
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