Review of Cavalry

Cavalry (1936)
An "8" on the Matinee Scale
10 February 2018
Lively oater with a storyline fit for an A-production. In fact, budget-minded Republic went all out hiring extras and riding them around Kernville locations. Plot-wise, the Civil War has ended and folks are moving west for a new life. Trouble is some southern anti-Unionists are conspiring for a separate new country in the West, and are colluding with Indians to establish it. Union army's Capt. Thorne (Steele) is assigned to thwart the separatist plans.

Steele plays it fairly straight, no steely glares he was later so good at. Also, he gets one really acrobatic fight scene, along with a winsome leading lady, Grant, as diversion from all the ugly guys. I don't know how much action is from stock shots, but the many story threads are woven smoothly together, quite a feat especially for director Bradbury who's also Steele's real life dad.

In passing-- note how respectfully both Civil War sides, North and South, are treated; plus, how happy the ex-slaves appear to stay on the plantation. I doubt this thread would pass today's muster.

Anyway, it's a superior oater, sure to entertain all front-row kids, past and present.
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