Talisman (1998)
Talisman: Standard Full Moon stuff
31 October 2017
Full Moon were never going to make award winning stuff but regardless they started several successful franchises and made some watchable stuff. Though to be fair considering how fast they pounded films out statistically that was bound to happen.

Talisman is one the lesser known works and for good reason. It revolves around a young man sent to an obscure school as students begin to get picked off one by one in an occult ceremony.

The stuff is very clichéd, immediately upon seeing a new character I predicted him to be the arrogant popular rich kid and low and behold that's exactly what he turned out to be.

Standard weak sfx, mediocre story and phoned in performances galore can be found in this 90 minutes of meh.

Not the worst Full Moon production but an instantly forgettable one all the same.

The Good:

Has that Full Moon charm

The Bad:

Undeededly homo erotic in places

Weak sfx


Poor finale

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

If Booboo Stewart and Mark Dacasos had a baby it would look like Billy Parish
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