#Realityhigh (2017)
Steaming Hot Garbage
8 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen a lot of bad movies, but none have moved me to make an IMDb page. This movie finally broke me down.

I can't feel bad for Dani. Going from the girl in the beginning who doesn't care what she wears and is dedicated to the shelter and her school to someone who day drinks and blows people off is unrealistic. Not even her sudden rise to 'popularity' can explain that. The only reason for her sudden change is to further the terrible plot. She doesn't feel like a real person at all, and I can't sympathize with her because everything feels so forced. She was 'relatable' and quirkily awkward in the beginning, and once she was thrown away by her new friends she went right back to that as if everything that happened in the middle meant nothing.

Her best friend had a crush on her, which was totally unnecessary and didn't further the plot at all. It didn't get tidied up at the end, they never talked it out, he was just there to show how downhill she was going. Even if he was super significant to the plot, him having a crush did nothing for the movie besides make it even more cliché. His character was watered down and apparently had a grandma that made him alcoholic drinks (???).

That leads me into the other characters that are there for comedic value but aren't executed well. The immature kid that makes stupid jokes, the principal who smokes weed at the end of the movie, the sister who was basically what 40 year olds think kids these days are, the lady who went to a super prestigious school but wound up at a dead-end shelter and was weird and zany. It all felt forced.

Dani's relationship with Cam is a big part of the movie. It was cute and I really enjoyed Cam's character (which is a big part of why the rating is higher than one), but it was never explained. We didn't find out when he started to crush on her, or why he asked her out while he still had a girlfriend (who conveniently broke up with him so that he could date Dani.) He took her back for no reason at the end.

Everything was predictable and nothing mattered. It was the copy and paste plot of a million other movies and books. Girl discovers new things, girl messes up, girl fixes everything. All of her loose ends were tied up, and she had next to no lasting repercussions. Everyone forgave her, she didn't get in trouble for using her dad's credit card to buy 400 dollar shoes, and the whole stalker thing blew over.

Speed round of things I disliked: Her 'friendship' with Kid Ink that was only there to help her fix her problems. How she couldn't afford her dream school but still splurged on a whole new wardrobe. How she was so 'smart' but took back Alexa right away. How the gay couple at the end was played off as a joke with no foreshadowing besides how one of the men was overly masculine and one was overly feminine, which is a common stereotype.

The directing was decent, despite how most of the shots were like high school on cocaine. Real life isn't like that. The acting was actually really good, and Dani did what she could with the bad script. Cam did super well and I really enjoyed his character, and although all of the background characters were written badly the actors managed to pull it off.

TD:LR: Good acting, terrible plot that is predictable yet makes no sense, bad characters, overall garbage.
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