#Realityhigh (2017)
Over-acted and filmed like a commercial. Garbage
11 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A bunch of other reviews have stated that this movie portrays the expectations placed on the shoulders of girls in high school to be cool and hot. BS! Yeah, if you'd gone to a high school like this where everyone is 30 years old, apparently high on drugs, has a car, and is super rich sure, then the expectation would be to be like them. This movie really suffers from that special case of what-40-year-olds-think-high-school-is.

Let me be clear, there is not a single high school on the planet that even remotely resembles this SUNNY-D commercial of a movie. That is how this whole movie is filmed, especially the scene at the pool. The acting is unbearably over the top and consistently fails to deliver any funny or memorable lines. Oh wait, I lied.. I actually burst out laughing when the main character started gazing into the camera with her face perfectly framed only to have it cut to a shot of her love interest floating in the pool in the same manner, I could practically see a brand name floating next to their heads with a catch-phrase. Actually, if you do end up seeing this monstrosity (I'd have given it no stars if possible) just play a game with yourself: see how many different logos fit with the current scene. Is someone getting out of bed and walking into the kitchen to have the most perfect looking day that California has ever seen? Folgers. Over enthusiastic father showing up and showing the signs of a perfectly happy and promiscuous marriage only to have his 20- year-old hot wife show up and hold his hand? Trojan.

I digress. Don't see this pap! Especially if you're someone like me who can actually get really worked up after considering that the experience of watching this movie was basically theft, IE; this movie stole 30 minutes of my life. I didn't watch the entire thing because I didn't want to feel my time being wasted any longer.
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