The Last Slumber Party (1988 Video)
Monumentally and epically horrible
8 August 2017
I'm going to skip trying to write my own pithy little plot summary for the drivel known as The Last Slumber Party. It's so bad, a plot summary isn't worth my time. Instead, here's what's written on IMDb: "Linda, Tracy, and Chris are a trio of teenage girls who decide to celebrate the last day of high school by having a slumber party at Linda's house. A few guys also show up to further enhance the merry festivities. However, things take a turn for the worse when a homicidal maniac who has just escaped from a mental hospital crashes the bash."

I watch a whole lot of bad movies, so trust me when I say The Last Slumber Party is monumentally and epically horrible. Racking my brain, I can think of only a tiny handful of movies that I consider this bad. It reeks worse than a can of tuna left open in a dorm room over Christmas break (I actually did that many moons ago). It's another of those movies that's Gawd awful in every aspect. It's so bad I couldn't even find things to laugh at. Acting, casting, cinematography, special effects, music, every technical aspect you can think of, direction, editing, plotting - you name it, it's all pitiful. And though I could blame the lack of a real budget, instead, I think it's the poor writing that really does this movie in. It's just so stupid. None of it, especially character motivation, makes the first bit of sense. I've most likely already spent more time writing this little "review" than was spent writing the script for The Last Slumber Party. I normally avoid using this word when describing a movie, but it applies here - The Last Slumber Party SUCKS!
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