The X-Files: Grotesque (1996)
Season 3, Episode 14
"We work in the dark."
10 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The sight of Mulder's apartment wallpapered with the demonic sketches drawn by serial killer Mostow (Levani Uchaneishvilli) was an early indication that Mulder might be going off the deep end. Getting 'into' the mind of a vicious murderer unnerves his partner Scully, to the point that she harbors suspicions that he might be a copycat killer following Mostow's arrest and incarceration. When Mulder's prints turn up on a blade stolen from an FBI evidence room, the idea further gains traction. The thing that bothered me about that was why an FBI agent would handle a piece of evidence without latex, thereby compromising it's value in an investigation. One could say that Mulder wasn't thinking straight by then, but still, it's a weak part of the plot.

All things considered, it didn't take Mulder a long time to solve this case, as the presence of hostile agent Bill Patterson (Kurtwood Smith) telegraphed his involvement in the new round of 'gargoyle' murders. If Mulder's own judgment was becoming compromised, how severely affected was Patterson by virtue of his three year case investigating Mostow. I'd have to say that those demonically inspired paintings, sketches and sculptures provided a surreal cast to the story, lending an eerily dark and foreboding atmosphere to it's execution.
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